
Know About Creating: Why Do We Make Art and How Does it Make Us?

Conversation With Meghan Kitchen and Stephen R. Miller

Meghan Kitchen and Stephen R. Miller continue the conversation on art, why we love it, why we do it, and how it impacts people. Part 2 kicks off with a discussion of how different kinds of art highlights truth, and whether Christian artists must be “explicit” in their message in order to point people to the gospel. Then Stephen, Meghan, and Liberty talk about why making art is important even when art doesn’t make money—and why we should all carve out time for creative endeavors. Listen to Part 1 here.


Last week, Stephen argued that even dark art can point people to Jesus. Continuing that conversation, Liberty talks about The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Leo Tolstoy, a novella that impacted her faith through its themes of death and futility. Stephen argues that stories impact us deeply by connecting us with God, truth, and humanity.

“We’re telling stories, and I think within us all is a desire to somehow replicate … the unnamable.”

Stephen R. Miller

“We’re telling stories, and I think within us all is a desire to somehow replicate … the unnamable,” he said. “To put down whether it’s oil on canvas or ink on paper or performance with a music instrument or a human being acting on stage, to give this form, but it starts with a story.”

With or Without Money?

Liberty asked Meghan and Stephen if they would make a living off their art if they could (everyone agreed they would), and why they still pursue their art even if it doesn’t make money. Everyone agreed that creating art is important even if it doesn’t earn a living.

“The further I get from the assumption that I ‘ought’ to be making money at this, the better,” Stephen told Know Why. Letting go of that assumption allows him to focus on what really matters about his passion, acting: “It connects me to my fellow human beings and it is the way God has given me to reflect him among his creation.”

Are you making time for your creative endeavors?

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Know About Creating: Why We Love Art

Conversation With Meghan Kitchen and Stephen R. Millar (Part 1)

For the first episode of Know Why’s new series, “Know About Creating,” Liberty is joined in-studio by audio engineer Meghan Kitchen and producer Stephen R. Miller, both of Point of View Radio Talk Show. But for this conversation, Liberty, Meghan, and Stephen are artists. They discuss what they love about their favorite art mediums, why they feel the drive to create stories, music, and performances, and how faith impacts their interactions with art. Enjoy Part 1 of this fun conversation and look for Part 2 next week! 

Art is Life

For people who consider themselves creatives, creating isn’t an option. That’s how Meghan, Stephen, and Liberty feel about their favorite forms of creative work. All three agree that art helps to connect them with other people.

“I love it [acting] because it gives me a chance to open people’s eyes, it gives me a chance to make people laugh or cry and to think deeply about humanity and about how they relate to others, and how others relate to them,” Stephen said.

“Art is to be shared,” Meghan added.

Faith and Art

What does it mean to do art as Christians? Meghan, Stephen, and Liberty share their various feelings on the combination of art and faith, acknowledging that sometimes Christians feel the need to box themselves or other artists in to explicitly and exclusively referencing God in their works.

Stephen argues that even in “dark” stories where the Gospel isn’t explicitly mentioned, people can be pointed to truth.

Listen to the episode for more about how art of various forms points to God, and check back next week for Part 2!

More Resources

  • What Happens in a Dream? Fictional Podcast by Meghan Kitchen
  • Request a free copy of the booklet “A Biblical View on Imagination” by Stephen Miller here, or read an expanded digital edition here.