
Did Jesus Prescribe Gender Roles? Know About Jesus

Interview With Dr. Glahn (Part 2)

In Jesus’ radical inclusion of women, was he bucking God’s system, or acting in perfect alignment with the rest of Scripture? In Part 2 of her interview with Know Why, Dr. Sandra Glahn of Dallas Theological Seminary tackles the issue of gender roles and what the church gets wrong. She also sheds helpful light on a few under-preached stories of women in the Old Testament, and what they teach us about God’s heart.

Jesus: Aligned With or Alienated From the Old Testament?

While Jesus’ interactions with women may seem different than the strange stories of the Old Testament, Dr. Glahn told Know Why that when historical and cultural context are considered, it’s clear that God’s laws in the Old Testament represent “a movement toward a high view of women.”

She cites examples of Old Testament stories where women who were falsely accused by their husbands are given legal rights, and stories where fathers give their daughters an inheritance under God’s command and blessing. Jesus’ habit of including women in his inner circle and ministry followed an existing pattern of elevating women’s rights and status in their cultures.

A Biased View

Dr. Glahn says we often miss these nuances in Scripture because we’re unfamiliar with cultural context—which is why partnering with a diverse community is key for better understanding the Bible. But she also notes that “translation committees have tended to be all male.” Just as people from different cultures can lend valuable insight and perspective about the meaning of certain stories, women add valuable perspective that is missing from many Bible translations.

“Jesus sees you, men and women alike.”

Dr. Sandra Glahn

“If you look at Genesis you see this pattern of a need for men and women partnering,” Dr. Glahn said.

Gender Roles?

Jesus invited people to follow him. Should men and women follow Jesus in different ways? Dr. Glahn says that while celebrating the differences between men and women is a wonderful thing, the church has often gotten it wrong by emphasizing gender stereotypes. “We start getting our eyes off of Christlikeness as the goal, and get our eyes on, ‘How do I act like a woman or a man?’” she said. Instead, “We pursue Christ and Christlikeness, and as a byproduct we become the men and women we’re supposed to be.”

“Both men and women have been injured by stereotypes of gender,” she added. Her closing thought: “Jesus sees you, men and women alike.”

Listen to Part 1 of Dr. Glahn’s interview here.

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How Did Jesus Treat Women? Know About Jesus

Interview With Dr. Sandra Glahn (Part 1)

In Part 1 of this interview, Dallas Theological Seminary professor Dr. Sandra Glahn offers insight into Jesus’ interactions with women and what it means for Christians today. She explains cultural context surrounding several Bible stories and passages, answering hard questions (such as why Jesus’ 12 apostles were male). Dr. Glahn also exposes certain blindspots that can impede our understanding of—or even hide—women’s presence in the Bible. 

Jesus’ Radical Inclusion of Women

In the agrarian societies to which Jesus preached, women were low in the pecking order—lower than animals, Dr. Glahn explained. Typically, if women had means and influence, it was because they were in proximity to positions of power, not because they held positions of power themselves. Knowing context clues like these is essential in understanding certain stories of the Bible and can illuminate Jesus’ interactions with women—particularly how he bucked the norms of his time by including women in spaces previously reserved for men.

“It’s a sign of the Spirit, not a sign of male failure, that everybody is proclaiming the Good News.”

Dr. Sandra Glahn

In the New Testament, we see Jesus taking the time to talk with women, which surprised his male disciples. He even talks to women about matters of theology, which would have offended many at that time. He has female followers, including those who travel with him and financially support his ministry. He also appears first to a woman after his resurrection from the dead, instructing her to tell his male disciples of the greatest miracle in history. In this way, Dr. Glahn notes, a woman becomes the “apostle to the apostles,” to quote Thomas Aquinas.

“What’s happening here that women are showing their agency as they follow Christ.” 

Dr. Sandra Glahn

Recognizing Our Blindspots

But our worldview is shaped by our own cultural norms and biases, Dr. Glahn told Know Why. This is why important stories about women in the Bible and Church history have been often overlooked, misread, or forgotten. While today’s Christians often debate about the “biblical” role of women in the church, the New Testament and Church history are rich with diverse examples of women’s involvement in both Jesus’ earthly ministry and in the early church.

Be sure to catch Part 2 of Know Why’s interview with Dr. Glahn next week, where she discusses what Christians get wrong about gender stereotypes, and how we can misunderstand what “biblical” manhood and womanhood actually mean.

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What Did Jesus Say About Justice? Know About Jesus

Interview With Jon Noyes (Part 2)

Do Jesus’ teachings on justice conflict with Old Testament teachings on justice? In Part 2 of Know Why’s interview with apologist Jon Noyes, we examine the continuity of biblical justice throughout the Old and New Testaments. Jon even argues that a proper understanding of justice can help us answer this question: Why do bad things happen to good people? Jon shares free resources at the end of the episode for those wishing to read further on this topic. Find the links at the bottom of this article.

A Better Society for Everyone

In Part 1, Jon said that in order to define justice, we have to determine what standard we are basing are concept of justice on. Jon argues that God’s standard justice “actually provides a better and more just society for everybody, believer or non-believer.” Why? Because “true justice is impartial,” and “God’s law doesn’t contort to whether you’re rich or poor.”

Jon says the world often favors those with money or other forms of status, but “God’s standard puts a highlight on the poor.”

The Same Definition?

Did Jesus preach thee same definition of justice as God did in the Old Testament? Jon says the answer is yes.

“God is unchanging and the standards of God are unchanging,” Jon told Know Why. ‘Jesus didn’t shy away from those standards or back off those standards…he actually built on that.”

“True justice is impartial.”

Jon Noyes

Jon says Jesus exemplified this when he said the two greatest commandments are to love God and love one’s neighbor. “This is the foundation of biblical justice,” Jon told Know Why.

What About Suffering?

If God is just, why do bad things happen to people who don’t deserve it? While that’s a heavy question that demands more time to address in full, Jon offered a few thoughts toward the end of the episode.

It’s important, he argues, to remember our sins affect other people. “We live in a world that we corrupted, and corrupted people produce corrupted situations,” he said.

While we don’t like suffering, it can lead us to a deeper understanding of our need for a savior, Jon argues. “We’ve all realized that life is difficult by now,” he told Know Why. “Suffering cries out the need for a savior, for a rescuer. We all need to be rescued, and we just need to come to realize that.”



How Does the Bible Define Justice? Know About Jesus

Interview with Jon Noyes (Part 1)

Gen Z is oriented toward social justice. As part of our Know About Jesus series, Jon Noyes from Stand to Reason joins us to discuss what Jesus said about justice. In Part 1 of a two-part interview, Jon, a former atheist, explains differences between the cultural and biblical definitions of justice. He also shares how he went from thinking “Christians were stupid” to now defending the Christian faith.

From Atheist to Christian

When Jon discovered his girlfriend was a Christian, it almost broke their relationship. Ultimately, however, she led him to Christianity—and she’s now his wife. “I thought Christians were stupid, to be honest,” he told Know Why. But then, “I started bumping into reality, and my naturalism couldn’t explain the way the world really was.” 

Defining Justice

In order to effectively discuss matters of justice, it’s critical to have a coherent definition. Jon pointed out that today’s culture often views justice through the lens of equity rather than equality. While that seems good, it can inadvertently lead to more injustice.

Acting justly requires asking an important question: “By what standard are we saying something is just or unjust?” If we define right and wrong against what’s accepted in the culture, that’s dangerous, because cultural standards change rapidly.

Listen to the full episode to hear Jon’s take on why the biblical definition of justice is the correct definition—and check back next week for Part 2.


How Do I Love My Enemies? Know About Jesus

Interview with Ps. Lafe and Hope Angell (Part 2)

In Part 2 of Know Why’s interview with Pastors Lafe and Hope Angell of Grace Point Family Church, we tackle tough questions, including… Does loving my enemies mean I have to put up with toxic people? How can I follow Jesus when I’ve known Christians who are so unloving? This episode may challenge you to examine your own beliefs and behaviors in light of Jesus’ teachings on love!

Jesus said anyone can love their friends. He taught his followers to go a step further by loving their enemies. Pastors Lafe and Hope gave examples on what that looks like practically.

“Loving others well means giving grace wherever we can,” Pastor Lafe said. Often, that means depersonalizing things others do that are offensive, realizing that their actions toward you may stem from hurt in their own past. It’s important “not to allow someone else’s toxicity to become my toxicity,” he added. “That means I have to be really good at forgiving.”

“If we’re not walking in love, are we really his disciples? Can we really call ourselves Christians?”

Pastor Hope Angell

Pastor Hope added, “Pray that God would give you the eyes to really see other people, and to love them the way they need to be loved. And it can start in your own home.”

The Angells reminded listeners that love is how people will know whether someone is a Christian. “If we’re not walking in love, are we really his disciples? Can we really call ourselves Christians?” Hope asked. They also encouraged listeners to love others well by getting out of their comfort zones. “You can’t reach the lost, the hurting, and broken from your couch,” Pastor Lafe said.

Listen above for the full interview, and don’t forget to listen to Part 1 if you missed it.

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How Can I Love Like Jesus? Know About Jesus

Interview with Ps. Lafe and Hope Angell (Part 1)

What did Jesus’ love look like? How can we emulate it today—especially in a culture that is often so divided? In this episode (part one of a two-part interview), Pastors Lafe and Hope Angell of Grace Point Family Church discuss examples of how Jesus loved with truth and yet without condemnation. They also offer tips on how young people can do the same today, even when it’s difficult. 

A Culture of Condemnation

According to a global study conducted by Barna of 25,000 teens from 26 countries, about half (49 percent) of today’s teens say Jesus is loving. By comparison, only 4 percent of teens today say Jesus is judgmental. But what do those terms—loving and judgmental—actually mean?

Pastor Lafe said when thinking about judgment, it’s important to understand the difference between condemnation and conviction. “Condemnation is, the sentence has been passed. We’re beyond deliberation. It’s over. Conviction says, ‘Ok listen, there’s something in my life that is not letting me be at peace, because the work of the Holy Spirit is trying to alert me that there are some behaviors that aren’t lining up with God’s Word,'” he told Know Why.

“Did Jesus come to condemn? Absolutely not,” Pastor Lafe continued. “It’s clear in John 3:17 that he did not come to condemn, but rather to rescue.”

“We are called absolutely to be loving and gracious.”

Pastor Lafe Angell

In today’s culture, it’s common for groups of people to condemn others who are not like them or who disagree, Pastors Lafe and Hope told Know Why. People often do this by reducing others to one label or another, rather than seeing the whole person. But we treat ourselves better.

“With our own sins in our life, we have so much grace, because we know our intentions. We know our heart,” Pastor Hope told Know Why. “But we don’t have that same grace for other people. And that’s why it’s so important to love others as ourselves.”

When interacting with a wide variety of people, Jesus did not condemn—even the people who were almost universally hated or despised at that time. He loved them while still calling them to a better way.

Known By Love

Followers of Jesus should be known by their love rather than what they are against, Pastor Lafe said. Even in politically divisive or counter-Christian times, Christian believers can be gracious while also standing firm in moral conviction—for instance, standing up for those who are innocent and have no voice.

To emulate Jesus and love others well, Pastor Hope said it’s key for young people to be surrounded by fellow believers who can encourage them. Pastor Lafe said it’s vital to know God’s Word for yourself.

Check back next week for Part 2 of Know Why’s interview with Pastors Lafe and Hope Angell.

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Is There Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection? Know About Jesus

Interview With Robby Lashua: Part 2

Historical tests affirm that the New Testament we read today accurately reflects the original documents—but were the authors of the New Testament telling the truth? Did Jesus really do the impossible—come back to life? In Part 2 of our interview with Robby Lashua, an apologist with Stand to Reason, we walk through the historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, including what non-Christian historians have to say about the event. 

Is Evidence Possible?

Jesus’ original followers claimed he died and rose from the dead three days later. In fact, Jesus’ followers today still claim that. Can there be evidence for something miraculous? Robby’s answer is yes, and he says there is “a ton of evidence for the resurrection.”

“If Christians study any apologetics, they should study the resurrection.”

Robby Lashua

One indicator of the strength of the evidence of the resurrection is what non-Christian believers believe about the disciples’ claim. “When historians, non-Christian historians, study this, they admit to four or five historical facts that happened surrounding the life of Jesus,” Robby told Know Why. Those facts include that Jesus died from Roman crucifixion (a fact established through secular sources as well as Christian sources), and that his disciples were being sincere; they truly believed that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to them after his crucifixion.

Why Did the Disciples Believe?

So even non-Christian historians believe that the disciples believed in the resurrection. “So the questions for us becomes, what led the disciples to believe that it happened?” Robby said.

Robby explains multiple pieces of evidence in the New Testament and other historical sources to answer “alternative theories”—for instance, the theory that those who claimed to see Jesus after his death hallucinated, or the theory that Jesus never actually died at all.

“These twelve guys turned the world upside down based on the belief that Jesus rose again.” 

Robby Lashua

Many people find early Christians’ lives compelling—the fact that disciples faced torture and martyrdom for the belief that Jesus rose again, and the fact that fierce opponents of Jesus, like Paul, converted to Christianity after his death. What Robby finds especially compelling is that Jesus’ own siblings eventually believed that Jesus was God, even though they didn’t at first. Listen to the episode to learn why this particular point matters.

If you missed Part 1 of Know Why’s interview with Robby Lashua, listen here.

More Resources

See the following resources recommended by Robby for more historical scholarship regarding the resurrection:


Can I Trust the New Testament? Know About Jesus

Interview With Robby Lashua (Part 1)

In the kick-off to our Know About Jesus series, apologist Robby Lashua tackles two tough questions. First, how do we know the New Testament we have today is the same as what was originally written down? Second, how do we know what was written down is true? In this episode, you’ll learn about the tests historians use when determining the reliability of ancient documents—and whether the New Testament accounts of Jesus pass those tests.

Can We Trust What We Have?

How do we know that the stories we have about Jesus in the Bible today are what was originally written down? Robby points to the high number of Greek manuscripts that exist of the New Testament—over 5,000, to be exact. Moreover, many of those manuscripts date within a few decades of the original. By contrast, there are only 1,800 known manuscripts of Homer’s The Iliad.

“We know with 99.9% accuracy what the original New Testament documents said.”

robby Lashua

Can We Trust That It’s True?

Critics of the Bible claim it is full of contradictions. Robby says that on closer examination, the contradictions turn out not to be contradictions at all. “When we look internally, we don’t find contradictions,” he told Know Why. “What we do find are embarrassing details.”

Why does this matter? “Historians of all different kinds of ancient literature believe that if you find embarrassing details in the text about the people who are writing the text, they’re probably telling you the truth,” he explained.

Listen next week for Part 2 of Know Why’s interview with Robby Lashua, in which Robby delves into historical evidence for Jesus’ resurrection.

More Resources

Is the New Testament Text Reliable?


What Questions Are Teens Asking?

Interview With Joe and Tiffany Williamson

What are the most pressing issues facing teens and young adults today? What questions are they asking about life, purpose, and religion? Joe and Tiffany Williamson work in youth ministry at Thousand Hills Church in Hickory Creek, Texas. They joined the Know Why Podcast with firsthand insight into the questions young adults ask, what support they need, and why.

A Lonely Generation

Joe said mental health is a top problem for today’s teens and young adults—particularly loneliness. “There’s a loneliness with this generation right now, and it doesn’t matter who the kid is,” he said, noting that even students who are popular and seem to be doing well on the outside could be struggling with depression and thoughts of suicide.

Despite being “connected” over social media, many of today’s youth lack real connection with other people. Tiffany attributed part of the problem to the changing landscape of social media. Today’s teens and young adults are constantly
“on” with no reprieve.

Alone in Their Faith

That’s why in-person connection, including through local church bodies, is so critical to teens. But it can also be difficult for teens to attain, since many of those who come to church are the only Christians in their families. Without spiritual community and guidance at home, many teens and young adults are left with no where to turn for advice, answers to tough questions, or to express doubts.

“This generation has the heart of Jesus, they just don’t necessarily know him yet.”

Joe Williamson

Joe encourages members of his church to mentor youth and young adults in their lives. He told the story of an 80-year-old church member who volunteered to serve in youth ministry. The result has been “life-changing” for the girls she mentors, he said.

An Unstoppable Generation

Tiffany is hopeful about the next generation, saying that when they “get it” and are committed to God, they are unstoppable. Joe said that many of the concerns and causes of young adults today are aligned with Jesus, but they don’t know much about him. That’s why they’re eager to learn.

“This generation has the heart of Jesus, they just don’t necessarily know him yet,” he said.

Make a Difference

If you would like to help support more conversations on issues relevant to young adults that point them to truth, you can make a donation here.


Best of 2023

What do Know Why listeners want to know about?

We looked at our most-downloaded episodes of 2023 and compiled the highlights here. Listen for excerpts from five of listeners’ favorite episodes of the year, with selections from every Know Why Series series of 2023!

In this episode, you’ll hear snippets of the following interviews (click to listen to the full interviews or read more):

1. Is Social Media Robbing Me of a Richer Life? Know About Healthy Tech Habits: Interview with Dr. Brad East

2. Are All Pro-Lifers Religious? Know About Pro-Lifers Series: Interview with Monica Snyder (Part 1)

3. What Does the Bible Have to do with the Israel-Hamas War? Interview with Dr. Gary Frazier

4. Why is the Black Community Overrepresented in Abortions? Know About Pro-Lifers Series: Interview with Cherilyn Holloway

5. Can I Avoid Burnout at Work? Know About Thriving at Work: Interview with Dr. Eddy Brewer