Best of 2023

What do Know Why listeners want to know about? We looked at our most-downloaded episodes of 2023 and compiled the highlights here. Listen for excerpts from five of listeners’ favorite episodes of the year, with selections from every Know Why Series series of...

Why is Jesus’ Birth Significant?

Interview With Joshua Barnes: Part 2 Joshua Barnes of the popular YouTube channel The Bible Explained is back! He demonstrates why Jesus’ birth is unique compared to the origin stories of ancient mythical gods. Josh also highlights intriguing prophesies that...

Does Christmas Have Pagan Origins?

Interview with Joshua Barnes Have you ever heard that Christmas has pagan origins? Does the date we celebrate Christmas—December 25th—have anything to do with ancient holidays like Saturnalia, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, or even the Winter Solstice? Are traditions...

Should Chatbots Scare Me? Know About Healthy Tech Habits

Interview With Kate Lucky (Part 2) Chatbots can be problematic, but can they also be useful? If artificial intelligence can do everything we can do, what makes humans unique? Back to think through tough questions like these is Kate Lucky from Christianity Today. She...