
Am I Placing Wholesomeness Above Holiness? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Dr. James Spencer

In this episode, Dr. James Spencer, president of the D. L. Moody Center challenges Christians to reframe the way they interact with politics. As Dr. Spencer and Liberty discuss topics like cultural Christianity and Christian nationalism, Dr. Spencer argues that Christians’ political involvement should stem from a place of discipleship, not a desire for comfort. 

Wholesome vs. Holy

Dr. Spencer’s recent book, Serpents and Doves: Christians, Politics, and the Art of Bearing Witness, argues political action is often an effective means for loving God and loving our neighbor—the two greatest commandments in the Bible. But our motivation can be misplaced. For instance, as Christians, our motivation for getting involved in politics shouldn’t be “saving the culture” or restoring a cultural Christianity for our own comfort.

“Christians tend to settle for wholesomeness when only holiness will do,” Dr. Spencer said.

Won’t activism that is inspired by Christian principles have a positive effect on the culture? Dr. Spencer says that’s not guaranteed in Scripture.

“Our task is to be faithful regardless, and to allow God to do through us what we can’t see,” he told Know Why. That doesn’t mean our faithfulness won’t bear fruit—but it may not be in ways (or on timelines) we can see. “As we’re faithful, he’ll use that faithfulness across the generations.”

Christian Nation(alism)?

Many people use the term “Christian nation” to refer to America, due to strong Christian and theistic elements of its founding and history. But Dr. Spencer says we shouldn’t call America a Christian nation, since “Christian” has a precise definition that doesn’t apply to earthly governments.

“There’s a big distinction to be made between being inspired by the Bible and believing that the Bible is an inspired authority,” he said.

While he believes “Christian nationalism” is a “pejorative” often used to demean Christian political activists, he does believe that actual Christian nationalism is wrong. “I think that merging the church and the state is a fundamental theological error. The two simply do not go together,” he said.

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How Do I Contact My Elected Officials? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Debbie Wuthnow (Part 2)

How do you make a difference after the election is over? Build relationships with your elected officials—even those in Washington, D.C. In the second part of her interview with Know Why, Debbie Wuthnow, president of iVoterGuide, offers tips on contacting your representatives and telling your story to make a difference.

Contacting Congress

Being an informed voter is one of the first steps to political engagement. But what about after the election is over? Debbie encourages listeners to contact their elected officials. It’s probably easier than you think! Listen to the episode or check the resources below for an easy-to-follow checklist that will help you communicate when your representatives effectively.

“Any issue that matters to you is worth an email or a phone call to your congressman.”

Debbie Wuthnow

“That’s all lobbying is, is telling your story … to your representative,” Debbie said. “That story is what will guide them.”

Sharing your story may not result in a total victory for for the issue you care about, but it could be enough to enlighten officials with a new perspective or motivate them to advocate for adjustments as they negotiate legislation with other lawmakers.

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Does One Vote Really Count? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Debbie Wuthnow (Part 1)

Debbie Wuthnow joins the Know Why Podcast to discuss the many ways just one vote can make a difference. Debbie is the president of iVoterGuide, an organization that has equipped and educated millions of voters. In this episode, Part 1 of a two-part interview, Debbie shares stories of elections that were determined by a slim margin, and explains why votes are especially impactful in primary and local elections. She also provides practical tips and resources for finding information about your local elections and candidates.

The Power of One Vote

A national poll released by the Institute of Politics at Harvard Kennedy School showed a few months ago that young Americans are less likely to vote in the upcoming presidential election (November 2024) than they were in 2020. Many may feel like it’s pointless to vote.

Debbie told Know Why that every vote truly does matter, even in presidential elections. “Nationwide, 60,000 votes in a few key counties swung the presidential election in 2020,” she said.

“Your vote really does have power.”

Debbie Wuthnow

But in primary elections and local elections, one vote has even more impact. One in 20 registered voters participates in primary elections, Debbie said. That means your vote goes a long way in determining which candidates will ultimately face off. In local elections, including for offices like school board members and county judges, “average turnout is only 6% of registered voters,” she told Know Why.

How to Research Candidates

To find out when elections are in your area and who’s on the ballot, Debbie says to search online for your county name and “sample ballot.” You can also contact your county election office.

To begin researching candidates, one place to start is If iVoterGuide doesn’t have information on a particular candidate you’re looking for, you can also search candidates’ names online and on social media platforms. Debbie recommends reading what they write and seeing what events they attend to judge if their values align with yours.

Debbie also recommends following the money. Go to and search any federal candidate’s name to see campaign finance records, which must remain public by law. State and local campaign financial information must remain public. Google your state name and “campaign finance reporting” to find information. For financial information on local candidates, Debbie recommends starting with your county election office. Read more about researching candidates by clicking on the resources below.

Be sure to listen next week for Part 2 of Know Why’s interview with Debbie Wuthnow!

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Why is Federalism Essential? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 2)

In Part 2 of his interview with Know Why, Richard Lim, host of the podcast This American President, explains what federalism is and why it’s essential for protecting freedom. He also sheds interesting historical perspective on the division in America today, and notes which aspects of the current presidential election cycle are historically unique. If you want to better understand how America’s government works and get a historian’s insight on the state of our politics, don’t miss this episode!

What is Federalism?

The Electoral College is part of a broader system of government called federalism, which, according to Richard, “is absolutely essential.”

“All it is is a division of responsibility,” he explained. “If you split up power, you make it more difficult for any one entity to get too much power. So the whole point of federalism is freedom.”

But, “The system is only as good as the people who run it,” he told Know Why. He warns that people who want to centralize more power in Washington, D.C. are undermining their own freedom because they don’t understand that the point of federalism is to protect it.

“The whole point of federalism is freedom.”

Richard Lim

“The national government is taking on responsibilities that were never intended be under the purview of the federal government, for good reason,” he said.

Unique and Unprecedented

Richard wrapped up his conversation with Liberty by offering a historian’s perspective to the 2024 presidential election. So far, unique aspects of this election year include the presumed candidates, Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It’s rare for two ex-presidents to be running against each other, he noted, but not unprecedented.

Many believe the current divisiveness in American society is unprecedented. While acknowledging its severity, Richard notes that it’s not new in American history. Americans were divided at other times, though aspects of the current division are unique.

“History doesn’t repeat itself, but it rhymes,” he said.

Listen to Part 1 of Richard’s interview.

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Why Do We Have the Electoral College?

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 1)

Knowing about presidential politics in the United States requires knowing about the Electoral College. What is it? Why do we have it? How does it work? How does it impact the weight of your vote? How does it impact candidates’ campaigning strategies—and why does that matter? Richard Lim, historian and host of the podcast This American President, joins Know Why to answer all these questions and more! 

What is the Electoral College?

The Electoral College is a representative body like the Senate or the House of Representatives. Citizens don’t vote directly on federal laws but elect representatives to vote on laws for us. Similarly, the Electoral College consists of electors who vote for U.S. President based on the votes of the people they represent. Richard tells listeners to pay attention to their ballot this November. You’ll notice that you aren’t technically voting for your preferred presidential candidate, but rather for electors who will cast that vote for you later.

“Which system protects the rights of as many people as possible? That’s what you have to consider.”

richard Lim

Why Does the Electoral College Matter Today?

Many people today believe the Electoral College should be abolished in favor of a popular vote. Richard explains that the Founders created the Electoral College to protect the rights of states with smaller populations. Richard told Know Why this helps bring balance to presidential races. Candidates are motivated to spend time talking with a wider variety of people than their main voter base. This makes candidates more attune to the entire nation. With the Electoral College, the presidential race becomes about more than getting the most votes (even though winning the Electoral College without winning the popular vote is rare); it becomes about which candidate can understand and connect with the broadest range of Americans.

Listen to the full episode for more—including interesting facts about past presidential elections and the Electoral College, why the Electoral College makes recounts much easier, and how it can positively impact the power of your vote. Be sure to check back next week for Part 2 of Richard’s interview.

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How Can I Keep Faith Above Partisanship? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Chris Butler

Many people abandon faith values upon entering the political sphere. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Chris Butler, Executive Leader at the AND Campaign and Lead Pastor at Chicago Embassy Church Network, joined Know Why to discuss how Christians can engage in politics without making their party their identity. Listen to hear Chris’s practical tips for faithful, strategic political engagement—including a test to see whether you’ve been “brainwashed” by your party.

From Church to Politics

“So many people walk into politics out of the church,” Chris told Know Why. That’s why the AND Campaign was founded. “Pretty soon people who come out of the church into politics don’t look very much like the church. They just look like the politics,” he added.

“Step by step, working together, we really can make a real difference in the tone and tenor of our politics.”

Chris Butler

It’s possible to engage in politics and even participate in a particular party. Chris said the key is being partisan at the level of your participation, not your identity.

“It is so important for believers to find their indentity in Christ, not in a political party or an ideological affiliation,” he said.

Prepare for the Moment

To help Christians keep their identity in Christ this election year, the AND Campaign launched the Civic Revival Initiative. The initiative offers resources and action items for those who want to engage faithfully and effectively in politics in 2024. One of the exercises the initiative encourages includes listing 10 things your own political “side” is getting wrong.

“If you can’t do that, it’s not because your side is perfect,” Chris told Know Why. “It’s probably because you’ve gone a little bit too deep into it and begun to be a little bit brainwashed.”

Other aspects of the Civic Revival Initiative help Christians prepare their hearts for the political friction and disagreements sure to happen during an election year. It is possible to maintain civility and retain relationships with people who think differently than you, but “we don’t perform well in the moment when we haven’t prepared for the moment,” Chris said.

Ultimately, he encourages young adults to get involved where they can, using their vote “strategically” but also engaging beyond the voting booth.

“Step by step, working together, we really can make a real difference in the tone and tenor of our politics,” Chris said.

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How Can I Become An Informed Voter (Part 2)? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Lisa Hendrickson

Primaries, propositions, and partisanship, oh my! Does political jargon make your head spin? In Part 2 of her interview with Know Why, campaign manager Lisa Hendrickson explains primaries, offers tips on staying engaged in between election cycles, and discusses the importance of finding common ground with your political opponents.

Inform Yourself

Lisa strongly encourages people to become more politically active. During election season, this includes voting in primary elections. Many people misunderstand primaries, or prefer to only vote in general elections, Lisa told Know Why. In her opinion, not participating in primaries is equivalent to letting someone else make important decisions for you.

She also encourages young adults to dedicate the time and energy to researching candidates for themselves to become truly informed. Even though it’s time-consuming, it’s worth it.

“It’s the day-to-day, moment by moment staying involved that makes a difference.”

Lisa Hendrickson

“You know more about the Kardashians or Taylor Swift, but will take no time to make sure you have freedom the next election cycle,” she said of people who don’t take the time to research candidates and issues.

Stay Engaged

While becoming an informed voter is arguably a first step to becoming politically engaged, Lisa told Know Why that staying active in between election cycles is just as important. “It’s the day-to-day, moment by moment staying involved that makes a difference,” she said. “It’s not just showing up in an election year, then going home.”

While Lisa doesn’t like the word “compromise,” she does believe it’s crucial to have civil conversations with political opponents in order to find common ground and make a difference in those areas. That can’t happen if opponents aren’t willing to talk.

“You need to sit at a table long enough with someone to find out what you can agree on,” she said.

Listen to Part 1 of Lisa’s interview with Know Why here.

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Know About Political Engagement: How Can I Become an Informed Voter?

Interview with Lisa Hendrickson (Part 1)

Feel confident next time you head to the polls! To kick off our new series, Know About Political Engagement, Lisa Hendrickson joins the Know Why Podcast with tips on becoming an informed voter. Drawing from her years of experience managing campaigns and working in various political roles, Lisa encourages listeners to own their vote and know why it counts. 

Own Your Vote

Lisa’s interest in political engagement took root when she was young. In grade school when she would complain that something was unjust, her mother would ask, what are you going to do about it? Today, Lisa believes in taking responsibility for one’s own freedom by staying politically active.

“If you’re not involved in politics, in my opinion, it will control you,” she told Know Why.

The first way to get involved is to vote. But for first-time or inexperienced voters, heading to the polls can be overwhelming—especially because there are no one-size-fits-all instructions. Details on how, when, and where to vote can vary between states, counties, and even precincts. Lisa offers tips on finding the relevant information for your area. She and Liberty also discuss tips for staying aware of important local elections.

“Do you care enough to make sure that you own your vote?”

Lisa Hendrickson

Most of all, Lisa encourages Know Why listeners to do the hard and time-consuming work of researching candidates and issues and truly owning their vote. Don’t just vote for someone because a celebrity or politician you like endorsed them, she says.

“I’m ok with people voting a different way than me as long as you’re ok to own it,” she said.

Check back next week for Part 2 of Lisa’s interview with Know Why.

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What Did Jesus Say About Overcoming Anxiety? Know About Jesus

Interview With Lauren McAfee

Lauren McAfee and her husband, Michael, know firsthand what it’s like to face back-to-back tragedies and unforeseen trauma. How can we handle the anxiety and grief that results from life spinning out of control? Jesus’ teachings and life offer helpful examples, which Lauren and Michael write about in their book Beyond Our Control: Let Go of Unmet Expectations, Overcome Anxiety, and Discover Intimacy With God. Lauren, an author, founder of Stand for Life, and Ministry Director at Hobby Lobby, joins the Know Why Podcast to share their story.

Control and Anxiety

Rates of anxiety are increasing in our society. Lauren believes part of that is due to the growing illusion of control we have over our lives, from being able to buy what we want and have it delivered within days or even hours, to being able to contact people across the world within seconds.

“We’re not having to control all things, we’re not having to fix everything. That’s not our responsibility. Our responsibility is to trust in God.”

Lauren McAfee

“All of these things that make us have this facade that we have so much control over our lives are actually making us more anxious,” she told Know Why. “Deep down we know we actually don’t have as much control as we wish we had over the things that really matter in life.”

According to Dr. John Townsend, author, psychologist, and friend of Lauren, “the negative emotion most closely associated with the lack of control is anxiety,” she told Know Why.

How do we survive the anxiety and even grief that comes when our tragic things happen beyond our control?

Let Go and Lament

Lauren and Michael have had to find the answer to this due to events in their own marriage and parenting journey, from obstacles having children, to facing a child’s cancer diagnosis, and heartbreak amidst adoption. They found peace and direction in the words and examples of Jesus.

“Go to the Lord, and the practice of drawing near to Him allows us to more fully feel his presence, and his presence is what fully brings peace,” Lauren said. She said that Jesus’ promise that his “burden is light” is true, even if it sounds impossible. “Even in the midst of hard things we can have a lighter burden because we’re not carrying it on our own.”

“We have to create the space for lament.”

Lauren Mcafee

Leaning on Jesus doesn’t mean always feeling positive, however. In fact, Lauren says that Jesus set an example of lament, and that lamenting is an important part of anyone’s healing journey.

“God created us with emotions,” she told Know Why. “We honor the Lord whenever we acknowledge however we are feeling about things.”

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Why is Anger Unhealthy? Know About Jesus

Interview With Brant Hansen (Part 2)

Brant Hansen is back! The radio personality and author discusses research from an atheist that points to the genius of Jesus’ teachings on anger, forgiveness, and anxiety. Listen and learn why Brant says Jesus is the “smartest man who ever lived.”

Refuse to be Scandalized

Letting go of offense, anger, and anxiety can lead to more opportunities for friendship and even evangelism, Brant said, sharing more stories from his family’s own experiences.

“People are suddenly drawn to you when you’re the one who’s the least judgmental person on the block,” he told Know Why. That doesn’t mean you must abandon your values or morals, Brant explained. But you can refuse to be scandalized by others’ sin, and enjoy a less stressful life as a result.

“Everything we discover about this subject just points again to the genius of Jesus.”

Brant Hansen

Jesus himself refused to be scandalized by others’ behavior, Brant notes. In fact, some have even used the word “relaxed” to describe Jesus.

Don’t Live in Fight or Flight Mode

Scientific research has reinforced the wisdom of Jesus’ teachings. For instance, both animals and humans were created with fight or flight responses, but those responses are supposed to be fleeting, helping us survive and escape threats. Existing in fight or flight mode long-term is bad for our health, research shows. But when we allow ourselves to stay angry and anxious, that’s what we’re doing.

Brant points to Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” where he specifically tells listeners not to be angry or anxious.

“He knows how we’re made, how we flourish, and how we thrive,” Brant told Know Why. “Everything we discover about this subject just points again to the genius of Jesus.”

Listen to Part 1 of this interview here.

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