
Welcome to the Know Why Podcast!

Get the who, what, and why of the Know Why Podcast! In this short pilot episode, host Liberty McArtor shares what you can expect from Know Why and how you can help influence future content.

Welcome to the Know Why Podcast!

I’m so excited you’re here.

My name is Liberty McArtor—your host for the Know Why Podcast. Here’s what the pilot episode and this post contain:

  1. More about what the Know Why Podcast is and what you can expect from it
  2. A bit of the history behind this project
  3. Some information about myself, your host
  4. Information about how you can become involved and influence future content of the Know Why Podcast!

What is Know Why?

In summary: We’re a weekly podcast for young adults­—right now that includes millennials and Gen Z—who desire deep and thoughtful conversations on topics that matter.

Here are a few things Know Why is not

  • This is not a small talk podcast, though we do strive to keep conversations pleasant and friendly!
  • This is not a debate podcast, though we will feature conversations on some pretty controversial issues.
  • This is not a podcast about one topic in particular.

This podcast is about getting in-depth and answering questions that matter for our lives.

That can be anything from questions about what the Bible really teaches, to coping with mental illness, to creating a good work life balance.

This podcast is about getting in-depth and answering questions that matter for our lives.

That smattering of topics may seem completely disjointed. But here’s what they all have in common—what we believe about those things affects how we live our lives. And as young adults, we’re still building our lives. We’re laying foundations for our careers, our families, and our future. What we believe about everything from the purpose of work to questions of spirituality matters right now.

If you’re still not sure if this is a podcast for you, ask yourself these questions.

  • Were you raised in church and want to know if there is a real reason behind what you were taught?
  • Where you raised in church and you’re in the process of deconstructing—figuring out exactly what you do believe and wading through doubt?
  • Are you agnostic or atheist, unsure of your religion, and simply interested in thoughtful conversations and different perspectives on the big life questions?

If you said yes to any of the above, Know Why Podcast is for you!

We hope to have listeners from all backgrounds and beliefs. And even if you don’t end up at the same place we do, we hope you’ll leave each episode with a better understanding of why you don’t agree…and that you’ll have been given something to think about.

Full disclosure, Know Why Podcast is a Christian organization. I, your host, am a follower of Jesus. And yet we feature a variety of guests from different religious and political affiliations, and ultimately we dive into what the research says.

Along with every episode, you can expect show notes or a blog post on our website with links and resources if you’re interested in learning more about what we’ve discussed.

You can expect episodes weekly, most featuring interviews, all featuring research about an issue relevant to our generations.

The History of Know Why

This project has been in the works for a while! In fact, the first several episodes you’ll hear on Know Why Podcast were recorded two years ago! But like many organizations, we were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic and had to delay production progress for a while. Which is another reason I’m so excited you are finally getting to hear Know Why!

Along with every episode, you can expect show notes or a blog post on our website with links and resources if you’re interested in learning more about what we’ve discussed.

Sometimes Know Why will explore a topic through a series of episodes, giving us a chance to tackle important from many different angles. Work on our first two series has already begun—so keep listening!

About Me

I’m a mom from Texas with an educational background in journalism and an affection for meaningful conversations. You can read my official biography on this website’s home page. And you can hear a bit more about when I got the job as host of the Know Why Podcast by listening to the pilot episode!

How You Can Help Know Why

There are two things you can do right now, and in fact we would LOVE if you did  them.

  1. Please leave Know Why Podcast a rating and review! Wherever you’re listening, leave a good rating and review for us. That will help Know Why grow and allow other like-minded listeners to see this podcast! That is truly the best way you can support Know Why Podcast right now.
  2. Give us your feedback and ideas! Contact us here to let us know what you’d like to hear! Give us your feedback, suggest a topic, or tell us about a guest we might want to interview. We’d love your input!

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Know Why Podcast. Visit us here at this website every week for more episodes and content!