In honor of the holiday season, we’re bringing back two of our most popular episodes from 2023! In the first Christmas-themed interview, Joshua Barnes, host of popular YouTube channel The Bible Explained, answers questions like:
• Does Christmas have pagan origins? • Does the date December 25th come from ancient holidays like Saturnalia or the Winter Solstice? • Are traditions like caroling and decorating trees borrowed from other religions? • Should Christians celebrate Christmas?
Have you ever heard that Christmas has pagan origins? Does the date we celebrate Christmas—December 25th—have anything to do with ancient holidays like Saturnalia, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, or even the Winter Solstice? Are traditions like caroling and decorating trees borrowed from other religions? Find out in this interview with Joshua Barnes, creator of popular YouTube channel The Bible Explained.
Questions and Misconceptions
Did the Christian Roman emperor Constantine adapt pagan celebrations and attach them to Christmas?
Is Christmas celebrated on the same date as ancient pagan feasts that came before it?
Why did Christians choose December 25th to celebrate the birth of Jesus—and does it matter?
Is the tradition of decorating Christmas trees tied to the cult of Asherah (and forbidden in the Bible)?
Is decorating one’s home with mistletoe a Druid practice?
Should Christians celebrate holidays that aren’t mentioned in the Bible?
Did the Puritans ban Christmas in America, and if so, why?
Joshua answers these questions and more in this episode of the Know Why Podcast, citing primary historical documents that tell the true story. You’ll hear some myths busted and gain a clearer understanding of some similarities between Christmas and other celebrations that are often referenced by critics of Christianity.
“Singing, giving gifts, decorating…these are things that, in the ancient world, were part of every celebration. So the fact that they’re part of Christmas and other things is not evidential.”
Joshua Barnes
Learn more by listening to the episode and following the links below. Don’t miss next week’s episode for a discussion on whether Jesus’ birth story is unique compared to ancient mythology.