
How Can I Feel Safe in an Unstable World?

Interview With Dr. Tanita Maddox

Safe. That definition may change from person to person, but there’s no denying that today’s generation seeks to feel and promote physical and emotional safety. Our world is anything but safe. How do we cope with this?

Dr. Tanita Maddox is a Gen Z expert and veteran Young Life leader. In this conversation, she shares why this is an important question, how we can align our definition of safety to God’s, and how we can access peace even when it feels like the world is going up in flames. She also offers loving encouragement that every Gen Zer needs to hear.

More Resources:

Order Dr. Tanita’s book, What Gen Z Really Wants to Know About God


Does God Care About the Marginalized?

Interview With Dr. Sandra Glahn

Does God actually care about the marginalized? If so, why does he seem so harsh in the Old Testament? Why do Christians seem like hypocrites today? In this episode, returning Know Why favorite Dr. Sandra Glahn tackles these hard questions. Dr. Glahn is an author, professor, and sought-after expert in issues relating to Jesus, Scripture, women and gender, and more.

More resources:

90-Day Bible Reading Challenge


Does Christmas Have Pagan Origins? (Repost)

Interview With Joshua Barnes

In honor of the holiday season, we’re bringing back two of our most popular episodes from 2023! In the first Christmas-themed interview, Joshua Barnes, host of popular YouTube channel The Bible Explained, answers questions like:

• Does Christmas have pagan origins?
• Does the date December 25th come from ancient holidays like Saturnalia or the Winter Solstice?
• Are traditions like caroling and decorating trees borrowed from other religions?
• Should Christians celebrate Christmas?

For a deeper dive, check out these resources:

Was Christmas Pagan?

Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?

Why the Puritans Cracked Down on Celebrating Christmas

Is Christmas PAGAN? In Defense of Christmas (Video)

A history of Christmas in the early Church (from New Advent)

Read original blog post here.


Do DNA Codes Disprove Darwinism?

Interview With Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins

We know DNA is complex, but recent discoveries are revealing new layers of complexity within DNA—and creating problems for evolutionists. Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins, a research scientist for the Institution for Creation Research who specializes in genetics research, explains these discoveries in the final episode of our series, “Know About Science and Faith.” Listen to find out what epigenetics, Meiosis, DNA codes and even Darwin’s Finches can tell us about Intelligent Design. 

More Resources:

Acts and Facts Magazine 

The Design and Complexity of the Cell by Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins

Other writings by Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins


How Can I Talk About Controversial Politics With Family This Thanksgiving?

Interview With Peyton Luke

We interrupt our series on science and faith to discuss something many Americans are thinking about as they enter the holiday season…how to interact with those family members and friends who hold vastly different opinions. While some advise avoiding family who hold different political opinions, communications expert Peyton Luke encourages listeners to have fruitful conversations, following a few specific tips. Listen to this episode in preparation for your Thanksgiving or Christmas gathering, and take notes on keeping your interactions civil, calm, and productive.


Did a Global Flood Cause the Ice Age?

Interview With Dr. Jake Hebert

What caused the Ice Age? Returning for Part 2 of his conversation with the Know Why Podcast, Dr. Jake Hebert, a research scientist with the Institute for Creation Research, explains why the global flood described in the Bible would have created the perfect environment for an Ice Age. In fact, he argues the evidence for a flood-induced Ice Age is more compelling than the reigning theory, which depends on manipulated calculations and questionable science. 

Skeptical? Listen and let us know what you think—and don’t forget to read more at the resources below.

More Resources:


Did Ancient Humans Really Live 900+ Years?

Interview With Dr. Jake Hebert

In the next installment of our “Know About Science and Faith” series, Dr. Jake Hebert, research scientist at the Institute for Creation Research, joins the Know Why Podcast to discuss evidence for extreme longevity of ancient humans and other species. He also talks about problems with the theory of natural selection. Listen to hear about fascinating discoveries that are puzzling evolutionists and contributing to the theory of Intelligent Design. Be sure to check back next week for Part 2 of this conversation, where Dr. Hebert shares his research on causes of the Ice Age.

More Resources

Evidence for Extreme Pre-Flood Animal Longevity

Questioning Natural Selection


What Can the Sun, the Moon, and the Solar Eclipse Tell Us About God?

Interview With Parker Eng

Listen as we jump into our new series, “Know About Science and Faith!” Parker Eng, President and Founder of the organization Day 4 Astronomy, joins Know Why to discuss some fascinating ways the heavens demonstrate the uniqueness of Planet Earth—and what implications that has for humanity. If you enjoyed viewing the solar eclipse back in April, you’ll want to hear Parker share what two astronauts told him during an eclipse watch party and exactly why the 2024 eclipse was so special. Do you have a science-related question you’d like us to address in this series? Reach out at

Impossible Odds

Many people take life for granted—specifically, the fact that life can exist on Earth. But according to science, the fact that we exist in space is special.

The odds of the conditions which make life possible on Earth appearing by chance are 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power, Parker explained. Details like the precise size and distance of our moon and the kind of light emitted by our sun provide perfect conditions for life. Those conditions would be destroyed if there was even slight variation in many of these details.

Another unlikelihood—the fact that the sun is 400 times larger than the moon, and also 400 times further away from earth than the moon. This is what makes a total solar eclipse possible on planet earth.

“What are the chances of that happening for the planet that has life?” Parker asked. “I think it points to a Creator. I think it points to God giving us something very unique to show his might and his power.”

More Resources:


Why is This Presidential Election So Unprecedented?

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 2)

It’s the “age of the unprecedented!” That’s historian Richard Lim’s take. Back for Part 2, the host of “This American President” explains what factors truly make this presidential election so unique. He also offers insight on the importance of knowing our nation’s history, and why it’s so rare to find political leaders who are willing to do the right thing anymore. But Richard still has hope that America can produce leaders of integrity—if some things change. Find out what those things are in this quick, topical episode. 

Tired of ‘Unprecedented?’

“We truly live in the age of the unprecedented,” Richard told Know Why, adding that there is so much unprecedented about our current politics that it’s “absurd.” However, we can still glean insight from looking at our nation’s history. Unfortunately, few Americans are well-versed in American history.

 “History is to a country the way memory is to an individual,” Richard said. “Why would you experience things and learn lessons but then forget them? What’s the point of that?”


Richard believes studying the past can also give us hope for the future, because even though events and circumstances change, human nature stays the same across time. And in the past, there are examples of leaders emerging to do the right thing, even when it wasn’t popular—and sometimes even when it was costly. He gives examples of past presidents who made the right decision when it was tough.

He acknowledges that many Americans may feel frustration at our political leaders today, whom many deem corrupt. “Why did we have leaders that did [the right thing] back then and not have that now?” he said.

“The answer is because there was this belief that everybody was accountable to God. Whether you were a Christian or not, that was the basic belief in the country. And we don’t have that anymore. If you want better leaders, you need that moral check on every American citizen, because then it will lead to leaders doing good things.”

You can read more about one of America’s good leaders in Richard’s forthcoming book, Refusing a Crown. Learn more at his website below.

More Resources: 

This American President Podcast


Why Should I Care About George Washington?

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 1)

Returning guest Richard Lim shares why, as a history nerd, “he fell in love with George Washington.” According to Richard, the host of “This American President,” Washington is more than the face on the dollar bill—he’s the embodiment of American exceptionalism, whose decision to give up power resonates with people across countries and centuries. In fact, Washington’s leadership exemplified one of the only values that nearly 90% of Americans agree on today.

Listen to Part 1 of Richard’s interview for more on why Washington’s example is relevant for American politics today, and to hear about his forthcoming book, Refusing a Crown.

Something Americans Agree On

“Almost 90 percent of Americans want term limits in Congress,” Richard told Know Why. “There are few issues that unite the American people today,” he added.

That’s why he believes George Washington is an important figure for Americans to study. At a time when monarchy was the norm, Washington refused the crown that people offered him in the face of immense political success and popularity.

“In America this was possible,” he said. “In America there was an expectation that George Washington should act in a way that respected the will of the people.”

More Resources: 

This American President Podcast