
Do DNA Codes Disprove Darwinism?

Interview With Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins

We know DNA is complex, but recent discoveries are revealing new layers of complexity within DNA—and creating problems for evolutionists. Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins, a research scientist for the Institution for Creation Research who specializes in genetics research, explains these discoveries in the final episode of our series, “Know About Science and Faith.” Listen to find out what epigenetics, Meiosis, DNA codes and even Darwin’s Finches can tell us about Intelligent Design. 

More Resources:

Acts and Facts Magazine 

The Design and Complexity of the Cell by Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins

Other writings by Dr. Jeffrey Tomkins


Did a Global Flood Cause the Ice Age?

Interview With Dr. Jake Hebert

What caused the Ice Age? Returning for Part 2 of his conversation with the Know Why Podcast, Dr. Jake Hebert, a research scientist with the Institute for Creation Research, explains why the global flood described in the Bible would have created the perfect environment for an Ice Age. In fact, he argues the evidence for a flood-induced Ice Age is more compelling than the reigning theory, which depends on manipulated calculations and questionable science. 

Skeptical? Listen and let us know what you think—and don’t forget to read more at the resources below.

More Resources:


Did Ancient Humans Really Live 900+ Years?

Interview With Dr. Jake Hebert

In the next installment of our “Know About Science and Faith” series, Dr. Jake Hebert, research scientist at the Institute for Creation Research, joins the Know Why Podcast to discuss evidence for extreme longevity of ancient humans and other species. He also talks about problems with the theory of natural selection. Listen to hear about fascinating discoveries that are puzzling evolutionists and contributing to the theory of Intelligent Design. Be sure to check back next week for Part 2 of this conversation, where Dr. Hebert shares his research on causes of the Ice Age.

More Resources

Evidence for Extreme Pre-Flood Animal Longevity

Questioning Natural Selection