
What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?

Interview With Dr. Brad East

Returning Know Why guest Dr. Brad East joins the podcast to discuss his new book, Letters to a Future Saint: Foundations of Faith for the Spiritually Hungry, a resource for young adults, college students, and parents of young adults. Dr. East argues that young adults are hungry for a faith “worth staking your life on.” He also says many seek straight, clear answers on matters of importance. If you’re a college student seeking to strengthen or better understand your faith in this season, don’t miss this installment of our Back to School series!

A Needed Resource

As a professor at Abilene Christian University, Dr. East spends plenty of time with young adults. Despite the many issues facing young adults, he says that one thing about the generation sticks out to him: “The thing that I experience the most with this population is a deep and utterly sincere hunger for what is worth staking your life on.”

But even among young adults who attend a Christian university and were raised in a Christian home, many do not actually know what it means to be a Christian. Dr. East says his forthcoming book, Letters to a Future Saint, is for them.

Why the Gap?

Why the gap in understanding? Dr. East thinks there are a few reasons. One is churches’ underestimation of how deep young adults really want to go with their faith. He says many churches have adopted a “concert and a Ted Talk model.”

“A concert, no matter how good, and a Ted Talk, no matter how good, are just not enough,” he told Know Why. “They’re not going to do the job we need to catechize and raise up committed, adult Christians.”

But he also identifies technology as a reason young Christians are unfamiliar with their own faith. The rapid advances in technology, the impacts of which are still being studies, have led to a young population that is less literate than previous generations.

Give it to me Straight

Dr. East said he gets lots of questions about a variety of issues from his students. But a common theme underscores the questions: “Would you please give me clear and succinct answer? Because no-one seems to be able or willing to do that for me?”

His book, Letters to a Future Saint, sets out to provide those answers, and equip others to give them as well.

More Resources

Letters to a Future Saint: Foundations of Faith for the Spiritually Hungry by Dr. Brad East

The Church: A Guide to the People of God (Christian Essentials) by Dr. Brad East


Is Social Media Robbing Me of a Richer Life? Know About Healthy Tech Habits

Interview With Dr. Brad East

When college students enter Dr. Brad East’s class at Abilene Christian University, they’re often spending six hours or more on social media per day. Then he challenges them to give it up. Listen to this episode as Dr. East shares what young adults gain when they give up their screen addiction—and what you lose when your life is spent staring at your screen. And if you’re brave enough, take Dr. East’s 60-day challenge!

Giving Up Bad Tech Habits For Something Better

In a recent article at Christianity Today, Dr. East argues that certain tech habits are important factors in retaining one’s faith in college. For instance, students should forgo online church services and attend a local house of worship, even if they go to a Christian college or university.

“God is our creator and he knows what we need, and what we need is actual, flesh-and-blood, in-person community,” Dr. East told Know Why, adding, “The community is not a kind of ‘extra’  that might help you in your personal journey of faith—it’s actually essential. It’s actually the thing that God, from the beginning, has been doing and continues to do—calling and forming a people in the world.” 

“God is our creator and he knows what we need, and what we need is actual, flesh-and-blood, in-person community.” 

Dr. Brad East

Dr. East also recommends that college students’ faith will stay stronger if they delete social media in college. As shocking as that seems to many of his students, those who participate in his 60-day challenge are often surprised by the multiple benefits they experience afterward.

What could you gain from developing better tech habits?

More Resources