
Why is Anger Unhealthy? Know About Jesus

Interview With Brant Hansen (Part 2)

Brant Hansen is back! The radio personality and author discusses research from an atheist that points to the genius of Jesus’ teachings on anger, forgiveness, and anxiety. Listen and learn why Brant says Jesus is the “smartest man who ever lived.”

Refuse to be Scandalized

Letting go of offense, anger, and anxiety can lead to more opportunities for friendship and even evangelism, Brant said, sharing more stories from his family’s own experiences.

“People are suddenly drawn to you when you’re the one who’s the least judgmental person on the block,” he told Know Why. That doesn’t mean you must abandon your values or morals, Brant explained. But you can refuse to be scandalized by others’ sin, and enjoy a less stressful life as a result.

“Everything we discover about this subject just points again to the genius of Jesus.”

Brant Hansen

Jesus himself refused to be scandalized by others’ behavior, Brant notes. In fact, some have even used the word “relaxed” to describe Jesus.

Don’t Live in Fight or Flight Mode

Scientific research has reinforced the wisdom of Jesus’ teachings. For instance, both animals and humans were created with fight or flight responses, but those responses are supposed to be fleeting, helping us survive and escape threats. Existing in fight or flight mode long-term is bad for our health, research shows. But when we allow ourselves to stay angry and anxious, that’s what we’re doing.

Brant points to Jesus’ “Sermon on the Mount,” where he specifically tells listeners not to be angry or anxious.

“He knows how we’re made, how we flourish, and how we thrive,” Brant told Know Why. “Everything we discover about this subject just points again to the genius of Jesus.”

Listen to Part 1 of this interview here.

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Is My Anger Righteous? Know About Jesus

Interview With Brant Hansen (Part 1)

Talking about anger has never been more fun! Radio personality and author Brant Hansen joins the Know Why Podcast to discuss his book Unoffendable: How Just One Change Can Make All of Life Better. In Part 1 of his interview, Brant explains Jesus’ teachings on anger and forgiveness, sharing personal testimonies revealing that “the way to freedom is the way of Jesus.” 

The Way of Jesus

In Unoffendable, Brant makes an argument many find startling: we are not entitled to hold on to anger. But many of us have been taught that “righteous anger” is justified, and that anger can even be helpful in getting things done.

Brant points to Jesus’ teachings to show this is the wrong way to think about anger. “We are never entitled to harbor anger because we have to do something that Jesus is very big on—it’s called forgiveness,” he told Know Why.

“The way to freedom is the way of Jesus.”

Brant Hansen

That doesn’t mean that we have to ignore injustice, though. Brant says we should be motivated to help others and correct the wrongs in our world because it’s the right thing to do—not because we’re angry.

“I can do the right thing and do it better without anger,” Brant said. As an example, he tells the story of how he once confronted his mayor about a criminal act against his wife that had been ignored by city officials. Approaching the problem with resolution but without anger, he got his result.

Listen to the episode for the full story, and don’t miss Part 2 next week!

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