
Know About Creating: Does AI Threaten the Process of Making?

Interview With Jared Boggess

Does AI threaten the creative process? Jared Boggess, illustrator, Art Director for Christianity Today’s print magazine, and Creative Director of Fish Coin Press, joins Know Why Podcast to discuss why the process of making something matters. While humans are made in the image of God and are therefore creative, Jared explains, our process of making has been different from God’s since the beginning of time. Listen to know why you should enjoy the process of creating art.

Enjoyment in Work

Jared says the fact that we were made in God’s image means we were created to make things. But our process of making things is different than God’s. While God spoke the universe into existence, humans have always had to work to bring new things into being.

According to the Bible, humans were meant to work even before sin entered the world, Jared told Know Why. “Work itself is not bad. Labor is not bad. What came with the fall was our experience of it.”

“You might be in the wrong line of work if you never find yourself enjoying putting in the work.”

Jared Boggess

AI could subvert that process, Jared argues, allowing us to mimic instantaneous creation rather than putting in the work of making.

Jared believes that people should enjoy the process of their work, not just the result of it. “You might be in the wrong line of work if you never find yourself enjoying putting in the work,” he told Know Why.

Potential Tools

Jared thinks there may be helpful uses for AI technology, but insists that when it comes to art, AI is not simply another medium. He also warns that those who use AI to generate creative content should ensure that they do so ethically, since artificial intelligence has stolen content from other creators in the past.

However, he also doesn’t think it diminishes the need for new artists in the world.

“AI certainly does not remove our need to create,” Jared said, adding that as AI grows in popularity, human-made art may become even more valuable.

More Resources:

Listen to another perspective on AI and art here.