
Why is This Presidential Election So Unprecedented?

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 2)

It’s the “age of the unprecedented!” That’s historian Richard Lim’s take. Back for Part 2, the host of “This American President” explains what factors truly make this presidential election so unique. He also offers insight on the importance of knowing our nation’s history, and why it’s so rare to find political leaders who are willing to do the right thing anymore. But Richard still has hope that America can produce leaders of integrity—if some things change. Find out what those things are in this quick, topical episode. 

Tired of ‘Unprecedented?’

“We truly live in the age of the unprecedented,” Richard told Know Why, adding that there is so much unprecedented about our current politics that it’s “absurd.” However, we can still glean insight from looking at our nation’s history. Unfortunately, few Americans are well-versed in American history.

 “History is to a country the way memory is to an individual,” Richard said. “Why would you experience things and learn lessons but then forget them? What’s the point of that?”


Richard believes studying the past can also give us hope for the future, because even though events and circumstances change, human nature stays the same across time. And in the past, there are examples of leaders emerging to do the right thing, even when it wasn’t popular—and sometimes even when it was costly. He gives examples of past presidents who made the right decision when it was tough.

He acknowledges that many Americans may feel frustration at our political leaders today, whom many deem corrupt. “Why did we have leaders that did [the right thing] back then and not have that now?” he said.

“The answer is because there was this belief that everybody was accountable to God. Whether you were a Christian or not, that was the basic belief in the country. And we don’t have that anymore. If you want better leaders, you need that moral check on every American citizen, because then it will lead to leaders doing good things.”

You can read more about one of America’s good leaders in Richard’s forthcoming book, Refusing a Crown. Learn more at his website below.

More Resources: 

This American President Podcast


How Can I Keep Faith Above Partisanship? Know About Political Engagement

Interview With Chris Butler

Many people abandon faith values upon entering the political sphere. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Chris Butler, Executive Leader at the AND Campaign and Lead Pastor at Chicago Embassy Church Network, joined Know Why to discuss how Christians can engage in politics without making their party their identity. Listen to hear Chris’s practical tips for faithful, strategic political engagement—including a test to see whether you’ve been “brainwashed” by your party.

From Church to Politics

“So many people walk into politics out of the church,” Chris told Know Why. That’s why the AND Campaign was founded. “Pretty soon people who come out of the church into politics don’t look very much like the church. They just look like the politics,” he added.

“Step by step, working together, we really can make a real difference in the tone and tenor of our politics.”

Chris Butler

It’s possible to engage in politics and even participate in a particular party. Chris said the key is being partisan at the level of your participation, not your identity.

“It is so important for believers to find their indentity in Christ, not in a political party or an ideological affiliation,” he said.

Prepare for the Moment

To help Christians keep their identity in Christ this election year, the AND Campaign launched the Civic Revival Initiative. The initiative offers resources and action items for those who want to engage faithfully and effectively in politics in 2024. One of the exercises the initiative encourages includes listing 10 things your own political “side” is getting wrong.

“If you can’t do that, it’s not because your side is perfect,” Chris told Know Why. “It’s probably because you’ve gone a little bit too deep into it and begun to be a little bit brainwashed.”

Other aspects of the Civic Revival Initiative help Christians prepare their hearts for the political friction and disagreements sure to happen during an election year. It is possible to maintain civility and retain relationships with people who think differently than you, but “we don’t perform well in the moment when we haven’t prepared for the moment,” Chris said.

Ultimately, he encourages young adults to get involved where they can, using their vote “strategically” but also engaging beyond the voting booth.

“Step by step, working together, we really can make a real difference in the tone and tenor of our politics,” Chris said.

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How Can I Improve My Mental Health in 2024?

Interview with Ben Bennett

Want to tackle loneliness, anxiety, or depression in 2024? Improving mental health is a common New Year’s resolution. In this episode of the Know Why Podcast, returning guest Ben Bennett of the Resolution Movement shares practical tips from brain science that can help you go from feeling pressured to feeling empowered. 

Overcoming Loneliness

Ben Bennett, Director of the Resolution Movement, says that isolation is one of the biggest contributors to poor mental health, especially among members of Gen Z. But isolation isn’t just physical; Ben told Know Why. that loneliness is really a “lack of meaningful connection.”

“One of the biggest contributors to poor mental health is isolation … We need one another. We find solution and answers through one another.”

Ben Bennett

“We need one another,” he said. “We find solution and answers through one another.”

Succeeding at Goals

For many people, New Year’s resolutions can result in feelings of pressure—not good for mental health. Ben recommends focusing on the smaller steps rather than the end goal. “We’re trying to set a goal of the result, but really we need to set a goal of the steps,” Ben said.

He encouraged listeners to “keep it simple. Remember to play the long game.” And if setting goals in January doesn’t work best for you, then don’t feel pressured to do it.

No matter when one sets a goal, success is possible when new habits are formed in the brain through neuroplasticity. Listen to the episodes for more tips from Ben, including information about he overcame anxiety through retraining his brain.

More Resources

To read more about overcoming mental health struggles, see The Resolution Movement’s devotional plans available through the YouVersion app, linked below: