
What Can the Sun, the Moon, and the Solar Eclipse Tell Us About God?

Interview With Parker Eng

Listen as we jump into our new series, “Know About Science and Faith!” Parker Eng, President and Founder of the organization Day 4 Astronomy, joins Know Why to discuss some fascinating ways the heavens demonstrate the uniqueness of Planet Earth—and what implications that has for humanity. If you enjoyed viewing the solar eclipse back in April, you’ll want to hear Parker share what two astronauts told him during an eclipse watch party and exactly why the 2024 eclipse was so special. Do you have a science-related question you’d like us to address in this series? Reach out at

Impossible Odds

Many people take life for granted—specifically, the fact that life can exist on Earth. But according to science, the fact that we exist in space is special.

The odds of the conditions which make life possible on Earth appearing by chance are 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power, Parker explained. Details like the precise size and distance of our moon and the kind of light emitted by our sun provide perfect conditions for life. Those conditions would be destroyed if there was even slight variation in many of these details.

Another unlikelihood—the fact that the sun is 400 times larger than the moon, and also 400 times further away from earth than the moon. This is what makes a total solar eclipse possible on planet earth.

“What are the chances of that happening for the planet that has life?” Parker asked. “I think it points to a Creator. I think it points to God giving us something very unique to show his might and his power.”

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Why is This Presidential Election So Unprecedented?

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 2)

It’s the “age of the unprecedented!” That’s historian Richard Lim’s take. Back for Part 2, the host of “This American President” explains what factors truly make this presidential election so unique. He also offers insight on the importance of knowing our nation’s history, and why it’s so rare to find political leaders who are willing to do the right thing anymore. But Richard still has hope that America can produce leaders of integrity—if some things change. Find out what those things are in this quick, topical episode. 

Tired of ‘Unprecedented?’

“We truly live in the age of the unprecedented,” Richard told Know Why, adding that there is so much unprecedented about our current politics that it’s “absurd.” However, we can still glean insight from looking at our nation’s history. Unfortunately, few Americans are well-versed in American history.

 “History is to a country the way memory is to an individual,” Richard said. “Why would you experience things and learn lessons but then forget them? What’s the point of that?”


Richard believes studying the past can also give us hope for the future, because even though events and circumstances change, human nature stays the same across time. And in the past, there are examples of leaders emerging to do the right thing, even when it wasn’t popular—and sometimes even when it was costly. He gives examples of past presidents who made the right decision when it was tough.

He acknowledges that many Americans may feel frustration at our political leaders today, whom many deem corrupt. “Why did we have leaders that did [the right thing] back then and not have that now?” he said.

“The answer is because there was this belief that everybody was accountable to God. Whether you were a Christian or not, that was the basic belief in the country. And we don’t have that anymore. If you want better leaders, you need that moral check on every American citizen, because then it will lead to leaders doing good things.”

You can read more about one of America’s good leaders in Richard’s forthcoming book, Refusing a Crown. Learn more at his website below.

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This American President Podcast


Why Should I Care About George Washington?

Interview With Richard Lim (Part 1)

Returning guest Richard Lim shares why, as a history nerd, “he fell in love with George Washington.” According to Richard, the host of “This American President,” Washington is more than the face on the dollar bill—he’s the embodiment of American exceptionalism, whose decision to give up power resonates with people across countries and centuries. In fact, Washington’s leadership exemplified one of the only values that nearly 90% of Americans agree on today.

Listen to Part 1 of Richard’s interview for more on why Washington’s example is relevant for American politics today, and to hear about his forthcoming book, Refusing a Crown.

Something Americans Agree On

“Almost 90 percent of Americans want term limits in Congress,” Richard told Know Why. “There are few issues that unite the American people today,” he added.

That’s why he believes George Washington is an important figure for Americans to study. At a time when monarchy was the norm, Washington refused the crown that people offered him in the face of immense political success and popularity.

“In America this was possible,” he said. “In America there was an expectation that George Washington should act in a way that respected the will of the people.”

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This American President Podcast


Why Don’t Today’s Christian Kids Have a Biblical Worldview?

Interview With Dr. George Barna

Rounding out Know Why’s Back to School series, Dr. George Barna joins the Know Why Podcast to discuss kids, parents, and worldview. While previous episodes in this series have focused on high school or college students, Dr. Barna addresses parents. Whether you have kids now or hope to someday, listen to find out why things like intentionality, consistency, and honesty are so critical in passing a biblical worldview on to the next generation. You’ll also hear why only 1% of American teens have a biblical worldview today, and why many kids are saying they don’t trust their parents. 

More Resources:

Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul by Dr. George Barna 


What Does it Mean to Be a Christian?

Interview With Dr. Brad East

Returning Know Why guest Dr. Brad East joins the podcast to discuss his new book, Letters to a Future Saint: Foundations of Faith for the Spiritually Hungry, a resource for young adults, college students, and parents of young adults. Dr. East argues that young adults are hungry for a faith “worth staking your life on.” He also says many seek straight, clear answers on matters of importance. If you’re a college student seeking to strengthen or better understand your faith in this season, don’t miss this installment of our Back to School series!

A Needed Resource

As a professor at Abilene Christian University, Dr. East spends plenty of time with young adults. Despite the many issues facing young adults, he says that one thing about the generation sticks out to him: “The thing that I experience the most with this population is a deep and utterly sincere hunger for what is worth staking your life on.”

But even among young adults who attend a Christian university and were raised in a Christian home, many do not actually know what it means to be a Christian. Dr. East says his forthcoming book, Letters to a Future Saint, is for them.

Why the Gap?

Why the gap in understanding? Dr. East thinks there are a few reasons. One is churches’ underestimation of how deep young adults really want to go with their faith. He says many churches have adopted a “concert and a Ted Talk model.”

“A concert, no matter how good, and a Ted Talk, no matter how good, are just not enough,” he told Know Why. “They’re not going to do the job we need to catechize and raise up committed, adult Christians.”

But he also identifies technology as a reason young Christians are unfamiliar with their own faith. The rapid advances in technology, the impacts of which are still being studies, have led to a young population that is less literate than previous generations.

Give it to me Straight

Dr. East said he gets lots of questions about a variety of issues from his students. But a common theme underscores the questions: “Would you please give me clear and succinct answer? Because no-one seems to be able or willing to do that for me?”

His book, Letters to a Future Saint, sets out to provide those answers, and equip others to give them as well.

More Resources

Letters to a Future Saint: Foundations of Faith for the Spiritually Hungry by Dr. Brad East

The Church: A Guide to the People of God (Christian Essentials) by Dr. Brad East


How Can I Help a Friend Struggling With Suicidal Thoughts?

Interview With Jon Noyes (Part 2)

In Part 2 of his interview with Know Why, Jon Noyes addresses the problem of suicide among young people. Jon encourages listeners to break the stigma around discussing suicide, gives practical tips for recognizing signs of suicidal thoughts, and helps listeners know why recognizing our identity as image-bearers of God is essential to tackling suicide and renewing hope. Don’t miss this important installment of our “Back to School” series.

Confronting Lies With Truth

Jon noted us that suicide is the second leading cause of death for people between the ages of 10 and 34. As students return to high school this year, they’re likely to know someone who is struggling with their mental health or even having suicidal thoughts.

Jon told Know Why suicide is a growing problem because “people believe a lie, and the lie is that they’re better off dead than alive.”

To confront the lie, we need to speak truth, Jon said. The first step is ending the stigma surrounding discussions of suicide. That can include bringing the topic up to a friend we suspect is considering suicide, or reaching out others and being honest about our own mental health struggles.

“We’re devoid of hope in our culture.”

Jon Noyes

“When did it become ok not to express concern about other people?” Jon asked. “If we look at people and see them as God’s sees them, we should care enough to at least talk to them about their problems, or us talk to other people about our problems and be real with one another.”

Hope and Identity

Seeing people as God sees them is necessary for bringing hope to others, Jon told Know Why. It’s also essential for retaining hope ourselves. If we recognize that we are made in the image of God, we will know that our life has inherent value, and that we were designed for an eternal future with Jesus.

“Ultimately it all comes back to hope, and that hope is found in Christ, and we always need to be pointing people back to Christ, and reminding people daily who we are,” Jon told Know Why.

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Listen to Part 1 of Jon’s interview here.


How Can High Schoolers Be Confident in Their Faith?

Interview With Jon Noyes (Part 1)

From apparent conflicts between the Bible and science to questions of identity and sexuality, navigating high school is harder than ever, including for teens attempting to stand strong in—or figure out—their faith. In the first of Know Why’s “Back to School” series, returning guest Jon Noyes addresses common questions teens are asking about faith. The Stand to Reason apologist equips teens, parents, and others to “wrestle well” with hard topics including identity, science, and loving LGBTQ+ friends while standing firm in truth. In Part 2 next week, Jon will address the important topics of mental health and suicide.

Existential Questions

In his years working as an apologist, Jon has seen the kinds of questions that young people ask change overtime.

“There’s been a shift that seems to have gone from these formal arguments for the existence of God to questions of meaning and purpose and identity,” he told Know Why. “It’s gone from an intellectual pursuit to more of an existential pursuit.”

The questions of meaning, purpose, and identity are important. “How you answer that question, ‘Who am I?’ or ‘Where do I come from?’ is going to answer a lot of other questions,” he said.

Wrestling Well

As students begin the school year, they may encounter scientific arguments against the existence of God or against what they’ve been told the Bible teaches. Rather than backing away from these hard questions and challenges, Jon said Christians should embrace them. That means that Christians parents may need to read hard books on science and faith to help their kids answer the hard questions, he said.

He also noted that Christians believe what they believe because it’s true. Faith and science aren’t opposed as many believe, but understanding requires exploration.

“We shouldn’t be afraid of digging into the really difficult issues,” Jon told Know Why. “I think it’s important to encourage our students to wrestle, but wrestle well.”

Love and Truth

One issue many young people wrestle with today is the question of sexuality. For Christians, it can be hard to hold a belief system that is so counter-cultural. Jon shares an illustration from his own life to show that friendship between people of different lifestyles and beliefs is possible, even while standing firm in what the Bible teaches.

“If we’re not inviting these people in, how are they going to hear the gospel?”

Be sure to listen next week for Part 2.

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Can Music Help Us Know Right From Wrong?

Know About Creating: Interview With Nick Sungenis (Part 2)

In the last episode of our Know About Creating series, Liberty and Nick wrap up their conversation on music, philosophy, and life. Nick dives deeper into the philosophy of music, explaining how music can help us understand the nuance of life and sharpen our ability to reason through our actions. He also discusses the fascinating science behind the effect of music on living beings, and offers encouragement for people who want to pursue music as a career, or pick up an instrument for the first time!

Essentially Musical

Nick says that musicality is part of humans’ nature. “We are essentially predisposed and so ripe for becoming more musical because we have a fundamental level of musicality,” he told Know Why.

The more we play and understand music, the more we can understand about life, added. That’s because students of music learn that there is a right or wrong time to play certain notes, and that depending on the instrument, playing the correct note accurately requires a lot of nuance.

It’s the same with life. “There’s sometimes a lot of nuance to life and actions,” Nick said. “Reason will guide us to make the right selection, whatever it is.”

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Know About Creating: Why Do Humans Crave Music?

Interview With Nick Sungenis (Part 1)

Have you ever wondered why people love music so much? Music instructor and author of the forthcoming book Living the Harmonious Life, Nick Sungenis explains that humans are intrinsically musical. In Part 1 of his interview with Know Why, Nick argues that if we pay attention to music fundamentals like harmony and balance, we can understand what makes us happy in life. Don’t miss this philosophically rich conversation, and be sure to check back next week for Part 2!

God is Musical and So Are We

If you’ve read either J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion or C. S. Lewis’s The Magician’s Nephew, you’re familiar with the concept of fantasy worlds being created through music. Nick beliefs that concept is more than fiction. “Music is something so essential to God himself,” he told Know Why. This explains why humans are naturally musical, too.

Music, Virtue, and Happiness

 Applying musical concepts like harmony and tone to other areas of our life results in virtue and happiness, Nick said. He explores this philosophy more in his forthcoming book Living the Harmonious Life.

In addition to teaching us more about ourselves, enjoying music can serve as a needed balm in the midst of stress.

“There’s so much chaos in the world,” Nick told Know Why. “Music can be such a great way to bring more order and beauty and goodness in our souls, in our hearts, and our minds.” 

Check back next week for Part 2!


Know About Creating: Finding the Good in Broken Stories

Interview With Jonathan and Chelsea Boes (Part 2)

In Part 2 of their interview with Know Why, Jonathan and Chelsea Boes (World Magazine) share insight on consuming secular literature, searching for the good in a broken universe, and the complicated facets of the Christian conscience. Parents of two, they also share thoughts on fostering a love of stories in children and embracing the mysteries of faith. Don’t miss this fun, thoughtful conversation!

Can Christians Enjoy Secular Literature?

Chelsea shares a story about blacking out the curse words in The Catcher in the Rye, which she was assigned to read in high school. Since, then, she’s realized that Christians don’t have to be afraid to interact with stories that portray sin. “If you can’t read John Steinbeck because he swears, you can’t possibly be talking to your plumber,” Chelsea said. At the same time, however, “Our relationships with conscience as Christians are complicated.” She thinks that one’s ability or willingness to withstand certain content in literature or other forms of art may have to do with when in their life they became a Christian.

“We are surrounded by darkness,” Jonathan added, “And if we are totally unwilling to stick our hands in there and get a little messy, we’re going to miss the goodness and beauty of God that is hidden there.”

“In Christ, evil does not have power over us.”

Jonathan Boes

He also said that while Christians should be wise about what is healthy for us to consume, we don’t need to be afraid of secular content.

“In Christ, evil does not have power over us,” he told Know Why. “We do not need to approach the world with this default sense of fear that something will infiltrate us and infect us. We can actually go out with confidence knowing that we can look for the redemptive.”

Talking to Kids About Story and Reality

When it comes to passing a love of stories on to one’s children, Chelsea and Jonathan admit that it’s hard. Jonathan says you should gently nurture a love of stories, allowing kids to discover what they love for themselves. Chelsea shared about creating habits, like reading the Bible with coffee in the mornings with her daughters, and also creating fun experiences for her kids, like a book club for her third grader’s friends.

While talking to children about stories and literature is important, so is talking to them about the real world. Former host of the Concurrently podcast, Jonathan said that when it comes to talking to kids about the hard realities of the world, honesty is key—even if that means acknowledging that we don’t have the answer to every problem.

“There can sometimes be a temptation to pretend that we have all the answers,” he said. “That might work for a season but eventually will be seen through. I think it’s a lot more powerful to be honest.”

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