Does it Matter if I Go to Church?

Interview with Jonathan Teague, Sr. Associate Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church Gallup reported in 2021 that church membership in the United States dropped below 50 percent. This is new for Americans, who have traditionally reported high rates of church membership...

Is it Possible to be Anti-Abortion and Feminist?

Ft. Interview with Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa Women want “half the pie,” and abortion doesn’t give it to them. That’s what Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa, founder and president of New Wave Feminists, asserts in this episode of the Know Why podcast. Feminism is defined as...

Are Faith and Science at War?

Ft. Interview with Jonathan Witt Does science conflict with the Bible? In this episode of the Know Why Podcast, Jonathan Witt, Executive Editor of Discovery Institute Press, notes that many scientists throughout history and today profess faith in God, even arguing...

Does God Have a Political Party?

Ft. Interview with Justin Giboney People of faith are free participate in either political party and advocate their convictions, but Christians often don’t speak out when their party is wrong. That’s what Justin Giboney, attorney, political strategist, and president...