Interview With Joshua Barnes: Part 2
Joshua Barnes of the popular YouTube channel The Bible Explained is back! He demonstrates why Jesus’ birth is unique compared to the origin stories of ancient mythical gods. Josh also highlights intriguing prophesies that predicted the details of Jesus’ birth hundreds of years before it happened.
Is Jesus’ Birth Story Unique?
You may have heard claims that stories about Jesus’ birth and life are remarkably similar to other stories about ancient mythical gods, including Mithra, Horace, and Dionysus. Joshua explains key differences in these myths compared to the historical accounts of Jesus’ life in the New Testament Gospels. “If you look at any of those myths, you can’t find any evidence that any of these things were believed about these mythical gods before Jesus came on the scene,” Josh told Know Why.
“The intricate fulfillment of prophecy in the Christmas story is mind-blowing, and it should excite every Christian, because it shows that we’re not just closing our eyes and believing the things in the Bible—we actually have evidence.”
Joshua Barnes
Odd Details and Prophecy
“The cool thing that we often just forget is that the Gospel accounts are historical documentation,” Josh said. But why do many of the details recorded in the Gospels—from the Roman census that led Jesus’ mother to Bethlehem, to the fact that she was a virgin—really matter? Listen to the episode for a discussion of the religious and historical significance of these details, which were foretold by prophecy hundreds of years prior to the events.
“The intricate fulfillment of prophecy in the Christmas story is mind-blowing, and it should excite every Christian, because it shows that we’re not just closing our eyes and believing the things in the Bible—we actually have evidence,” Josh told Know Why.
Read the passages of Scripture Josh mentions in the episode by clicking below, and check out the previous episode recorded with Josh, “Does Christmas Have Pagan Origins?“
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